Location: Northern California
Client: Long-term Property Owner
AGI was retained by a long-term property owner to prepare a Final Removal Action Plan (RAW). The property included a fueling island, truck wash, truck repair, body shop, truck sales, small restaurant, and offices; all of the businesses were operated by others as tenants to the owners. From historical research, AGI was able to determine that a portion of the site was used as a landfill (surface impoundment) in the 1950s for the surrounding occupants. The impoundment was subsequently backfilled to grade with dirt and rubble from local construction and covered with gravel. High levels of inorganic lead had been detected in soil excavated from the former impoundment.
The RAW was prepared to satisfy requirements of a Voluntary Cleanup Agreement with the California Environmental Protection Agency and DTSC and was prepared in accordance with California Health and Safety Code Section 25356.1, and in accordance with DTSC Guidance for Removal Action Work Plans (1998).
The objectives of the RAW was to address findings of prior site investigations, evaluate relative risks to human receptors associated with lead at the site, identify removal alternatives to mitigate receptor risks, and recommend a removal alternative to be performed at the site. Under AGI oversight, the soil removal action was performed and completed within a very strict budget. After a detailed evaluation and an acceptable use of the site was determined, it was agreed that the lead-impacted soil could be used for backfilling of the excavation. Prior to backfilling, the excavation pit was cleared of debris, tires and any cement blocks and soil was compacted. Cleanup goals were achieved and a site covenant was proposed and approved for the area of the property. Based upon AGI's work, the DTSC provided a site certification letter and site closure was granted.